> Wifi Speed Test

How To Do The Test

Step 1

Please make sure that the device you're using for this test (laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone) is connected to the wifi network you want to measure.

Once the app loads below, check that the Automatic Server Selection lists the one that is the closest to your location.

If you want to change it, click on Automatic Server Selection and then choose manually from the provided list.

Click on 'Start test' to begin the upload, download and latency measurements of your wifi connection.

Step 2

Once the wifi speed test is complete (should take approximately one minute) the app will display the results and the words 'Share' and 'Restart'.

Click on 'Share'...

Step 3

Click on the first link that appears in the box at the bottom eg 'https://www.nperf.com/r/235773487-Ix6g6g8D' and it will highlight in blue, and then right click to copy the URL.

Then paste the link into the form on the contact us page here and send it to me so that I can list the results of your wifi speed test on this website.

Please remember to include the name of your establishment in the e-mail too.

Click 'Start Test' Below To Begin...